Conditional Probability Estimation

An online journal club on the topics Conditional Probability Estimation. Our cover topics on all sorts of probabilistic approach, such as VAE, normalizing, graph neural network, probabilistic time series forecasting.

Introduction: Conditional Probability Estimation

8 MAF: how is MADE being used

Summary: We discussed MAF (arXiv:1705.07057v4) last time: The paper did not explain how exactly is MADE being used to update the shift and logscale. We will use the tensorflow implementation of MAF to probe the above question. Here is the link to the relevant documentation: Topics Refer to references. Notes 1310.8499_notes.pdf
Pages: 60

7 MADE: Masked Autoencoder for Distribution Estimation

Summary: Topics Refer to references. Notes 1310.8499_notes.pdf
Pages: 60

5 Review of Normalizing Flow

Summary: Topics Normalizing flow Applications of normalizing flow Methods of normalizing flow Problems of normalizing flow
Pages: 60

3 EM Methods

Summary: EM method, expectation-maximization algorithm, is an inspiring iterative method to find the log-likelihood by introducing some intermediate variable such as responsibility.
Pages: 60